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Avulux Migraine Glasses: What Can They Do for You? in Brooklin

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A person with a migraine sitting on a couch with their eyes closed and hands to their temples from light sensitivity.

Migraines are more than just a headache. They can be debilitating and accompanied by vision disturbances. While medication and lifestyle adjustments can help, did you know your eye doctor might have another solution?

Avulux migraine glasses have lenses that are designed specifically to help those with migraines manage light sensitivity and reduce potential triggers. Your eye doctor can recommend these glasses for migraine-related vision symptoms.

At ERC Optometry, we can add Avulux lenses to any frames that we carry in our extensive in-house collection.

What Is a Migraine?

A migraine is characterized by recurring headaches that vary in intensity and duration. Along with the headache, individuals may experience other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances.

While there is no singular cause of migraines, they can often be triggered by factors like stress, certain foods or drinks, hormonal changes, and sensory stimuli like bright lights or loud noises. If you experience frequent migraines with visual disturbances, it can interrupt daily life and make even small tasks feel impossible. Consult with a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

While medication and lifestyle adjustments can help, did you know your eye doctor might have another solution? That’s where migraine glasses, like Avulux migraine glasses, come in.

What Can Avulux Migraine Glasses Do for You?

Avulux is a brand that has gained recognition for its commitment to helping people with light sensitivity and migraines. Migraines often stem from various triggers, one of the most common being harsh or unnatural lighting, such as bright sunlight, fluorescent bulbs, or even the glow from digital screens.

Avulux has crafted its lenses to alleviate this sensitivity and create an environment where your eyes feel relaxed and at ease. The tints in Avulux migraine glasses filter out harmful migraine-triggering light, particularly blue, red, and amber, while letting in soothing light.

At the same time, Avulux migraine lenses don’t darken your vision excessively like sunglasses can. They maintain colour perception and increase colour contrast, meaning you can use them in any environment.

Features of Avulux Migraine Glasses

A pair of migraine glasses on a clear background.

Here are some standout features that make Avulux migraine lenses a must-consider tool for migraine relief:

  • Advanced light filtering: Avulux lenses filter up to 97% of harmful light while allowing 70% of green soothing and natural light to pass through. This reduces overstimulation and makes your environment feel calmer.
  • Lightweight and comfortable design: When you’re already battling a migraine, the last thing you need is an uncomfortable or heavy accessory. At ERC Optometry, we can add Avulux lenses into any frames that we carry in-house, without the need for special bulky frames.
  • Clinically backed: Many migraine glasses on the market claim to alleviate symptoms. However, Avulux glasses are clinically backed by research to support their effectiveness.
  • Versatility: Unlike sunglasses, Avulux migraine glasses are suited for both indoor and outdoor use. Whether working in an office, scrolling through your phone, or heading out for errands, they’ve got you covered.
  • Stylish options: Choosing Avulux lenses doesn’t mean you need to compromise on style. We can add Avulux lenses to any of our stylish frames we already carry in-house.

When to Wear Migraine Glasses?

Some common times to wear them include when working on a computer or using electronic devices, being exposed to fluorescent lighting, spending time outdoors in bright sunlight, or even during everyday activities that may bring discomfort.

If you experience an average of more than 2 migraine headaches weekly lasting at least 3 hours a day, you can wear Avulux glasses all the time. However, it’s important to consult with your doctor to determine appropriate times and situations for wearing migraine glasses based on your triggers.

How to Get a Pair of Avulux Migraine Glasses

Getting a pair of Avulux migraine glasses is simple and accessible. When shopping for your glasses, consider the following:

  • Check if your insurance covers a portion of the cost.
  • Consult your eye doctor to confirm that Avulux glasses are the right solution for your migraine management plan.
  • Come visit us to try on samples in-store.

How to Care for Your Avulux Migraine Glasses

Follow these steps to care for your glasses:

  1. Use cool water to gently rinse oil and debris from your lenses before wiping them.
  2. Use a clean microfiber or lint-free cloth when gently drying the lenses.
  3. Store your glasses in a cool, dry place when not in use.

Managing Vision Discomfort

Migraines can make everyday life challenging, especially when light sensitivity adds to vision discomfort. Avulux migraine glasses provide a thoughtful, research-backed solution for reducing one of the most common triggers. With advanced light-filtering technology that can be added to any of our lightweight and stylish frames that we carry in-house, Avulux combines function and fashion.

For a new way to manage your migraines without medications or drastic lifestyle changes, book an appointment with ERC Optometry to see whether they’re suitable for your needs. 

Written by Eye Rejuvenation Center

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